It’s decided, i’m going to do exercise: how to start and which sport to lose weight?

Motivated to lose those extra pounds, “It’s decided, I’ll start exercising! Yes, but which activity should I choose to lose weight quickly?” Our coach David Costa informs you about the beneficial impact that sports have on your body and advises you on the choice of the one that will allow you to burn the most calories.

5 tips to start exercising and get back in shape quickly

1. Begin slowly and gradually:

Whether it is fitness, running, cycling… the body needs a longer adaptation time when following a prolonged stop of physical activity. Moreover, if you suffer from aches and pains for 5 days following your exercise session, this may discourage you.

To begin, choose an activity that you enjoy and in which you are comfortable. Set a minimum number of 2 sessions per week and stick to it. It is better to have 2 sessions per week for 3 months (i.e. 24 sessions) than 5 sessions per week for 3 weeks (i.e. 15 sessions) and then give up because the pace is too high.

The same goes for the duration and the variety of your sessions: do not start with 2-hour sessions! It is better to do several small sessions than one big one: opt for 30 to 35 minutes of effort for your recovery.

2.  Exercise regularly and avoid prolonged breaks:

To be able to claim adaptation, and therefore progress, the body must be subjected to repeated stimuli for a certain duration. For this reason, opt for a regular weekly session frequency and make sure you do not deviate from it. Alternate one day of exercise and one day of rest, which will allow you to do up to 3 to 4 sessions per week (which is very good to get results).

3. Increase the difficulty or the duration of your sessions slightly each week:

A 10-minute increase in total exercise time per week is an indicator that you are not moving too fast at the expense of your health and results. This means that you can extend each session by only 3 to 5 minutes and thus increase your weekly exercise time. This increase can be achieved as early as the 2nd or 3rd week of exercise.

However, don’t bet everything on the duration, if you want results, opt for a gradual increase in difficulty. For example, you can :

  • Increase the speed for running, swimming, rollerblading, in other words, do a greater distance for the same amount of time.
  • Put on heavier weights for strength training.
  • Go faster if you do HIIT.
  • Do more difficult movements if you are doing bodyweight.

4.   Opt for quality exercises, not quantity:

When performing your muscle strengthening movements, focus on perfect technical execution. What is important is to feel the muscle groups involved in the exercise and not to cheat the movement by using other muscles to make it easier. The same is true for other exercises. Focus on efficient movements, which will guarantee better results and reduce your risk of injury.

5. Don’t neglect your diet:

Weight loss starts in your plate. Your diet will be your ally in obtaining convincing and lasting results thanks to a balanced intake of macronutrients.

Here are the 6 points to respect to take care of yourself when you do exercise and you want to lose weight.

  • Consume proteins from meat, fish, dairy products, soy, and certain grains such as lentils or quinoa. These will increase your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories and feel less hungry.
  • Prefer complex carbohydrates that are assimilated slowly, such as pasta, rice, and whole wheat. Eat less legumes and grains. Avoid sweets.
  • As far as fats are concerned, opt for fats from olive oil, walnuts, rapeseed oil and grape seed oil. Almonds and walnuts will give you energy thanks to the essential fatty acids that are essential to the proper functioning of the body.
  • Eat whole foods, legumes, green vegetables and fruits that promote a slower assimilation and therefore a longer satiety.
  • Hydrate abundantly, mainly with water but also with tea, coffee or other non-caloric drinks.

As you can see, it’s time for healthy, pleasant, and dietetic cooking to take care of your figure.

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Which sport helps you burn more calories?

Energy expenditure varies depending on the type of sport you practice, but also on your level and the conditions in which you practice. The table below shows the average energy expenditure for a woman weighing 60kg who performs 30 minutes of the activities shown:

Which sport helps you burn more calories

The conditions of practice also influence energy expenditure:

  • Hills, sand, obstacles, mud, wind, cold will increase your energy expenditure during a jog or a bike ride.
  • If it’s a competition, a challenge, or if you’re running with another person, your commitment will be greater than during a routine run and so will your energy expenditure. In other words, challenge yourself every time to consume a maximum of calories.

The neat, your weight loss ally:

It is the acronym of “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis“. NEAT will allow you to boost your energy expenditure easily and without necessarily practicing a sport activity.

Simply put, these are the calories you burn in a day by moving, without doing any exercise. It is a good way to fight against sedentary lifestyle, which is the heart of weight gain. Combined with a proper diet and our T4SLIM productNEAT will help you lose weight effectively.

It has become so normal to be sedentary that we don’t even realize it anymore: car or public transportation to the door of our workplace, sitting at the office all day, couch and Netflix, etc. So many everyday situations that make more than a third of adults have a high level of sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity according to ANSES.

To simply improve your NEAT, you will have to change your habits. Here’s what will help you burn more calories each day:

  • Riding a bike instead of taking the car or public transportation.
  • Staying on the move, for example, standing instead of sitting.
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Walk whenever you can.
  • Get off one stop early from your workplace

The great thing about NEAT is that anyone can increase it. You don’t need a gym, a special outfit, a membership, or to pay for it because it’s free.

If we were to summarize NEAT, it would simply be the principle of “moving more” and replacing all immobile situations with active situations (e.g. moving from sitting to standing).

Which sport to choose according to my goals?

The choice of an activity must consider your expectations and your abilities.

For example, cardio-vascular and choreographic indoor classes combine energy expenditure, muscle strengthening, coordination work and relaxation thanks to the fun musical atmosphere.

Group training ensures the creation of a social network in addition to the energy expenditure and motor skills that it generates.

Individual training requires a taste for self-improvement and self-confrontation. Weight training and muscle strengthening allow us to target with great effectiveness the priority areas and to adapt to the needs and particularities of each person.

Cardio, such as outdoor running, will allow you to change your mind while consuming a maximum of calories.

Then, each sport solicits and develops different regions and functions of the body. To build muscle and tone up mainly the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks , here is a non-exhaustive list of sports activities that intensively involve these areas:

  • all sports where it is necessary to move with the legs: jogging, aerobics, step, rollerblading, athletics, road cycling, mountain biking, swimming, fencing, team sports (soccer, handball, basketball …), combat sports.
  • dance: salsa, rock, hip-hop, chacha
  • specific muscle strengthening with thighs-abdos-glutes classes targeted weight training

If you really want to transform certain areas of your body, then strength training will be the most effective. Learn more in the article “Weight loss is on your plate”.

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