The T4SLIM  method:
The proof by 4

Set your goals and start the T4SLIM program today. The T4SLIM slimming method has been designed to slim down while respecting your body. A 4-week method based on 4 nutritional and sports principles and the daily intake of T4SLIM Slimming Concentrate. We give you the keys to find your nutritional balance and feel good about your body.

1Limit your calory intake

We guide you to find the right balance for you during the 4 weeks of the program.

Your BMI:

2Sugar control

Carbohydrates should not exceed 40% of your daily intake and should be consumed in the first part of the day. Indulge yourself until lunchtime and do not consume any more carbohydrates after that.

3Fat and protein control

Protein can be maintained or even slightly increased to reach about 25 to 30% of your daily intake. Fat can be maintained at 30 to 35% of your daily intake, which corresponds to an ordinary consumption.

4Physical activity

To burn more calories, it is important to be physically active. Doing 2 hours of physical exercise per week is a good goal to promote weight loss.

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