How to lose weight long-term

Physical activity is beneficial for your health and to stay in shape. But to lose weight, diet plays a fundamental role. What should you eat to lose weight long-term without dieting? Our sports and nutrition coach David Costa gives you the basics to lose your first kilos without depriving yourself.

The secret of weightloss

T4SLIM Le secret de la perte de poids durable

The caloric balance is the central element in weight loss. It is the difference between what you eat and what you burn.

In short, if you eat more than you burn, you gain weight. And vice versa, if you eat less than you spend, you will lose weight.

You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. It is the one and only actor of your weight loss. Without deficit, there is no weight loss.

Therefore, weight loss happens in your plate. Moreover, it will be beneficial for your health, because taking care of your diet will allow you to be in better shape, to feel less tired, to digest better, to sleep better and to have more energy every day.

How to be in a calorie deficit and to lose weight

T4SLIM Comment être en déficit calorique pour mincir ?

The first thing that may come to mind is to eat less; but this is a common misconception. You will have to reduce the calories you consume; but also try to eat better.

If you drastically reduce your calorie intake, you will lose weight but you will also: be tired, have deficiencies, have urges, feel deprivation and frustration. This pace will not be sustainable over time and the pounds lost in a few days will be regained very quickly. You must make long-term profound changes in your eating habits so that you will be able to obtain results.

That is why I recommend that you start by eating better.

Eating better will allow you to be fuller, to digest better and to be in better shape. Not to mention that the less processed the foods are, the more vitamins and minerals they contain and the higher their thermogenic effect will be; which will allow you to burn more calories without doing anything.

The 3 types of macronutrients

Each macronutrient is important and has a role to play. None of them should be suppressed as it is the case in some drastic diets. It’s all about balance.


They play several roles in our body. They are mostly known for their structural role. They form the muscles and all our tissues, such as skin and hair (e.g. Keratin, collagen, actin). They also participate in the maintenance of the lean mass (muscles), and cell renewal.

They are also used in case of emergency by the body when it lacks carbohydrates (prolonged fasting, very intense physical effort).

Finally, they are important because they make you feel full easily.

Les lipides :

Les lipides permettent de stocker l’énergie car c’est le macronutriment le plus dense en énergie. En effet, 1 g de lipides fournit 9 kcal, contre 4 kcal pour 1 g de glucides ou de protéines. Lorsqu’ils sont stockés, les lipides sont sous forme de triglycérides, présents notamment dans les tissus adipeux. Ainsi, lors d’un effort de longue durée ou d’un jeûne, ces réserves seront utilisées pour fournir l’énergie nécessaire au corps.

Ils assurent également un rôle structural et entrent dans la composition des membranes des cellules.

Ils interviennent aussi dans le processus d’inflammation (système immunitaire), dans les transmissions de messages au niveau des synapses (cerveau), dans la contraction de certains muscles, et dans la régulation de la pression artérielle.


Lipids allow us to store energy because they are the most energy-dense macronutrient. Indeed, 1g of lipids provides 9 kcal, against 4 kcal for 1g of carbohydrates or proteins. When stored, lipids are in the form of triglycerides, which are found in adipose tissue. Thus, during a long effort or a fasting, these reserves will be used to provide the energy necessary to the body.

They also play a structural role and are part of the composition of cell membranes.

They are also involved in the process of inflammation (immune system), in the transmission of messages at the synapses (brain), in the contraction of certain muscles, and in the regulation of blood pressure.


It is the main source of energy for all cells in the body. They can be stored in the liver and muscles.

The body uses carbohydrates in the form of glucose, which can then circulate in the blood and be distributed to all cells. Some of the body’s cells, such as red blood cells and our neurons, require a constant supply of glucose to function.

In addition, pleasure, and satiety: they play a very important role in the pleasure and satisfaction during a meal. Complex carbohydrates (pasta, rice, quinoa…) Regulate satiety, so it is important not to eliminate them. Simple carbohydrates (such as white sugar found in cookies, desserts, chocolate, etc.) Are even more related to the pleasure aspect triggering the “reward circuit” in our brain.

How can you eat better and burn more calories

T4SLIM Comment moins manger pour perdre du poids facilement ?

What are the best choices for each macronutrient category? Eating better will help you reduce the amount of calories you consume every day. Better foods will keep you fuller and reduce cravings and snacking.

Protein foods:

Preferably choose lean meats: chicken (breast, white and tenderloin), turkey (sirloin, tenderloin), beef (tenderloin, sirloin, ground meat 5%) and white fish (cod, whiting). Don’t forget about eggs, cheese and dairy products.

Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout) should be eaten in moderation because they contain fat which will easily increase your calorie intake. Just make sure you eat them 1 to 3 times a week.

Proteins are also found in vegetable products: legumes (chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, soybeans, and derivatives…), cereals (wheat, quinoa, buckwheat…), oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts…).

Source de lipides :

Choisissez de préférence des huiles 1ère pression à froid d’olive, de noix, de lin ou de colza. Vous retrouverez également des lipides dans les oléagineux, les graines, les fromages et les poissons gras. 

Fats foods:

Preferably choose first cold-pressed olive, walnut, flax, or rapeseed oils. You will also find fats in oilseeds, seeds, cheeses, and fatty fish.

Carbohydrates sources

They are to be divided into 2 families, the complex carbohydrates, and the simple carbohydrates.

Prioritize complex carbohydrates because they will make you feel more satieted. They are found in pasta, rice, quinoa, bulgur, buckwheat, bread, legumes, etc.

Simple carbohydrates include dairy products, fruits and vegetables, sugars/sweetened products, industrial products, table sugar, honey, jam, sweets, etc. Simple carbohydrates should be regulated, especially those containing sugar (industrial products, table sugar, honey, jam, sweets). They should therefore be consumed in a reasonable manner, without being eliminated.

Examples and eating habits that will help you lose weight

  • In the morning, boost your metabolism and limit the risk of snacking for the rest of the day by eating a breakfast containing proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates. Throughout the day, drink plenty of water, tea, herbal tea, coffee, soup, etc…
  • You can burn more calories and reduce your hunger by eating protein.
  • Also remember to eat regularly throughout the day in small meals and not with 2 large meals. It’s best to spread your total calorie intake over 4 or 5 meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and a morning or afternoon snack, depending on your mood.
  • Choose foods rich in carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and green vegetables to slow down the assimilation of your meals and thus prolong your satiety.
  • Allow yourself real food pleasures when you feel the need to avoid daily snacking.
  • Consume T4Slim Concentrate Slimming which, thanks to its green tea content helps you to support the control of the weight and contributes to the oxidation of fats for an action thinness.

How to eat less and lose weight more easily

Rather than going on a strict diet or starving yourself, it’s about choosing certain foods over others.

In general, you can reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates. Fats are higher in calories than other nutrients and we generally eat too much of them. Carbohydrates are the macronutrients that we consume the most because they are easily found in many foods. Simple carbohydrates (sugars, chocolates, processed foods) are also addictive because they trigger a “reward circuit” in our brain.

Look for a slight increase in protein and vegetable intake. These 2 nutrients are -generally the ones that are not consumed enough even though they ensure great satiety, which makes it easier for you to reduce your daily intake.

And finally, stay hydrated! By drinking more water, you will automatically reduce your calorie intake and increase your satiety. Thus, with good hydration you avoid snacking and easily reduce the calories consumed.

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